Arcade Manifold
Meng Qi
Regular price
$1,360.00 HKD
Arcade Manifold is a passive multi-functional controller both available in Eurorack and Standalone format.
There are 4 identical channels. a toggle switch select the modes, that when button pressed :
connect signal;
pull to ground;
result in normal on and normal off operation for the button.
when using 1/8 or 1/4 jacks as I/O, you can use banana jacks to passive mix signals from different channels. Mixing can happen at 2 places :
At input : sending the same mix to different outputs, controlling which channel to send to with buttons;
At output : sending the same mix to differerent outputs, controlling which signal presents in the mix with buttons.
you can customize your own signal routes that can be played live.
with instruments that react to s-trig, like Ciat-Lonbarde stuff, you can control them directly without input. For example, you can trigger the sound of Gongue and AVDog on Plumbutter, or alter the timber of Sidrassi with its glitch inputs, etc.
also useful as multiple and format jumbler.
Arcade switches are from SANWA.